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JUAL|| Rotating Level Laser Topcon RL-H5A Hp 08118477200

Rp 25,000,000
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Date Added: 16-11-18   Date Updated: 16-11-18
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Title JUAL|| Rotating Level Laser Topcon RL-H5A Hp 08118477200
Price Rp 25,000,000
Condition New
Contact person 08118477200
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Banten > Tangerang Kota

-INDO 15154
Contact : Isak S
         : 0811-8477-200(Telkomsel)
        :081514452177  (Indosat )

email : [email protected]
Jakarta Representative :
Jln.Musholla No.5A Muchtar Raya. Petukangan Utara Jakarta Selatan 12260
Tlp/Fax : 021-22546158

Kami Menjual, Rental / Sewakan, JasaService Kalibrasi, Jasa Ukur Tanah, Alat-Alat Untuk Survey, Pemetaan,Kontraktor, Telekomunikasi, Geologi, Exploration, Kelautan,
Militer, Migas, Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika, Laboratorium
Industri Pembangunan Pembangunan, Pengelolahan Lahan Lahan Perhutanan
Dan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit. Diantaranya Sebagai Berikut :
GRATIS PENGIRIMAN SE JADETABEK (Minimal Pembelian Rp 10.000.000,-)
bandung dan banten Bisa COD (kena ongkir)

Total Station :
-Total Station Sokkia CX-101, CX-102, CX-103, CX-105, CX-105c
-Total Station Sokkia FX-101, FX-102, FX-103, FX-105
-Total Station Topcon GTS-255N, GTS-102N, GTS-250 Series
-Total Station Topcon ES-101, ES-102, ES-103, ES-105
-Total Station Topcon OS-101, OS-102, OS-103, OS-105
-Total Station Nikon DTM-322, NPL322
-Total Station Nikon Nivo 1M, 2M,3M, 5M
-Total Station Nikon Nivo 5C, 3C,2C, 1C
-Total Station Geo Fennel Theo Dist FTD 05
-Total Station Pentax R-1502, R-1505
-Total Station Gowin TKS 202
-Total Station Cygnus KS-102
-Total Station South NTS-352L
-Total Station Hi-Target ZTS-320R
-Total Station Ruide RTS 822A, 822R

Digital Theodolite :
-Sokkia DT-740, DT-540,
-Topcon DT-205, DT-205L, DT-209, DT-209L
-Nikon NE-100, NE-101, NE-102, NE-103
-South ET-02-ET-02L
-Ruide ET-02, ET-02L
-Pentax ETH-502
-My Surv DT-202C
- GeoMAX ZIPP-02

Automatic Level atau Waterpas :
-Sokkia B-20, B-30, B-40
-Topcon ATB-2, ATB-3, ATB-4
-Nikon AS-2C, AE-7, AP-8, AC-2S, AX-2S
-Pentax AP-228
-Geo Fennel FAL 24
-Leica NA 332, NA 324, NA 320
-Digital Level Orion 2LS
-Digital Level GEOMAX ZDL700

GPS Handheld :
-Garmin GPSMAP 64sc, 62s,
-Garmin GPSMAP 78s
-Garmin GPS Oregon 650
-Garmin GPS Oregon 750
-Garmin GPS Montana 750
-Garmin GPS 62s
-Garmin GPS 64s
-Garmin Nuvi 1350, Nuvi 50LM,
-Garmin GPS Aera 500, Aera 550
-Magellan Explorist 610

Gps Marine :
-Garmin GPSMAP 4012
-Garmin GPSMAP 2108
-Garmin GPSMAP 585
-Garmin GPS 128
-Garmin Radar GMR-18
-Garmin GSD 22
-Garmin Antena GA 30
-Garmin Kabel Transduser
-Garmin Fishfinder Echo 100,300c,500c

Alat Survey Laser Meter :
- Leica DISTO X310
- Leica DISTO D510
- Leica DISTO D810
- Leica DISTO D910
- Leica DISTO D210
- Leica DISTO A6

Alat Survey Meteran :
-Meteran Dorong TOGOSHI
-Meteran Dorong CLL-400 CLL-300 CLL-200
-Meteran Tajima Baja 50M, 100M
-Meteran Yamayo Baja 50M, 100M
-Meteran Komelon Baja 50M, 100M

Alat Survey Geologi / Pertambangan :
-Compass Brunton 5008, 5006, 5010
-Palu Geologi Estwing Pipih/ sediment
-Palu Geologi Estwing Runcing/ Rock
-Lup 10X20
-Buku Survey RR
-Plastik Sample

Alat Survey Suunto Compass :
-Compass Suunto KB-14 KB-20
-Compass Suunto Clinometer PM-5
-Compass Suunto Altimeter E203
-Compass Suunto Tandem ( KB-14+PM5)

- Gps Geodetik Trimble, Topcon, Sokkia, Javad
- Kompas Geologi, Kompas Survey
- Handy Talky
- Radio Rig
- Telepon Satelit
- Walkie Talkie Sepasang
- Teropong Binocular Nikon
- Teropong Binocular Bushnell
- Teropong Malam Night Vision
- Teropong Jarak Bushnell & Nikon Peralatan Geologi Explorasi Tambang
- Peralatan Meteorologi
- Peralatan Hidrografi Laut Dan Sungai
- Peralatan Survey Hutan Dll

Sedia Jasa Pengukuran Tanah & Service Kalibrasi Alat Ukur
Total Station - Theodolite - Automatic Level / Waterpass dan lain-lain.




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