dijual mobil pajero ,,,.....Pajero Tahun 2013/2014 (barang bagus dan mulus )( tipe Exceed Matic ) 285 juta nego bagi yg serius aja. lok bandung- jabar ( KM 69760 )
perhatian: Selama iklan ini ada berarti belum terjual !!!! Thank you
Barang bisa dilihat kerumah ya guys
Mobil seperti di foto.
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Tulis penilaian (Belum ditemukan penilaian. Anda yang pertamam silhakan tulis penilaian anda!)
The price of this vehicle does not include charges such as: License, Registration Fees, Insurance and other Charges. Mall13 do not represent nor affiliated with buyer or owner of this vehicle.
It is responsibility of buyer and seller to conduct legal transaction.
WARNING: Never transfer money to the seller without verifying the ownership and legality. For your security, all transactions should be done in person. .