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Dijual Mercedes C 230 Kompresor Matic Thn 1997

Rp 120,000,000
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Dilihat: 836
Tanggal posting: 21-09-17   Tanggal diperbarui: 21-09-17
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Tahun 1997
Kondisi Bekas
Model Sedan
Transmisi Otomatis
Exterior Color Silver
Interior Color Abu - abu
Aksesoris Air Condition, Alarm, CD Player, Central Door lock, Cruise Control, Electric Mirrors, Fog light, Power Steering, Power Windows, Power Sound System, Sun roof, Kaca Film
System Pembayaran Tunai
Pengiklan Pribadi
Harga Rp 120,000,000
Contact person IDAM N
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Jawa Barat > Bandung Kota

FS:Mercy C230 Kompresor tahun 1997.

- Jok kulit asli.
- Wood panel elegance.
- P3K msh ada.
- Full audio system.
- Stir wood panel.
- Cruise control berfungsi baik.
- Dongkrak dan kunci2 lengkap.
- AC sdh diganti full, (dijamin dingin poll.)
- Plafond rapih dan bersih.
- Arm rest.

- Bemper n side skirt elegance original.
- List crome original.
- Lampu2 berfungsi original.
- Kaca film full perfection.
- Ban 90 persen jrg pakai Dunlop.
- Lampu belakang smoke ori.
- Kaki2 sdh baru full set ori.
- Sudah cat ulang full body.

- 2300L kompressor .
- Bahan bakar selalu v power/Pertamax plus/Pertamax turbo.
- Aki kering baru.
- Alternator sdh ganti.
- Full set ac sdh dgnti by Frigia Bdg .
- Service rutin/tune up (gnti oli, saringan dll) by sepakat motor Bdg.
- Oli matic per 10rb km dgnti pake atf ori bintang (standar per 30rb).
- Matic ga ada masalah halus dan responsif.
- Water pump sdh gnti ori.
- Shock breaker baru by Sach .
- Radiator baru ori.
- Packing seal baru.
- Airmass baru ori.
- Sensor kipas msg baru ori.
- Vacuum berfungsi baik.
- Tensioner sdh dgnti full set so suara mesin halus.
- Sdh stel CO
- Velg amg hammer ring 18 et 44.

- Bagasi Europe ori.
- Rear brake stop ori.
- Panoramic sunroof berfungsi baik ori.
- Electric seat berfungsi baik ori.
- Lowering kit by eibach ori.
- Amg muffler/knalpot ori
- Foglamp by Hella..
- Antena ori Hirchmann ori.
- Spion retract ori.
- Wood shift knob by Turkey.
- Rear electric krey ori.
- Krey samping ori.
- Wiper lamp ori.
- D 202 (tiga huruf belakang) - nocan bgt.

Info detail via call or wa. 

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