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Update Harga Fusion Splicer Sumitomo Z1C Termurah

Rp 123,000
Hubungi Penjual

Dilihat: 572
Tanggal Posting: 22-09-17   Tanggal Edit: 22-09-17
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Judul Update Harga Fusion Splicer Sumitomo Z1C Termurah
Harga Rp 123,000
Kondisi New
Kontak 082113303935
Hubungi penjual Klik Disini

Banten > Tangerang Kota

FusionSplicer SUMITOMO Z1c

TheZ1C’s heater cycle time is only Approx.28 seconds (60mm Fiber protectionsleeves) and a splice cycle of only Approx.7 seconds (Quick mode), the Z1Cimproves splicing efficiency and productivity dramatically, thereby reducinglabor time and costs while increasing project and customer service turn-up.

TheZ1C’s 4.1 inch LCD monitor with touch screen operation enables to confirm fiberimages easily. The splicer can be operated by touching the icons on the screen.The working efficiency has improved.

TheZ1C has environmental protection equivalent to IP52 waterproof and dust proof.Also has anti-shock rubbers around the machine to protect the splicer fromdropping. Designed for portability, precision splicing, reliability, and speed— without foregoing affordability? the Z1C splicer is ideal for splicingapplications in the central office or head end, the feeder portion of the FTTxnetwork where speed in high fiber application is crucial, and at terminalsleading to the final drop to premises or home.


Semua Barangkami Bergaransi Resmi dan Harga pun

Relatif Murah.


-  Bebas biaya antaruntuk wilayah Tangerang, Jakarta, dan Depok

-  Menerima PengirimanLuar Kota maupun Luar jawa

-  Barang yang kamijual NEW 100% dan bergaransi resmi.

-  Dapatkan hargaspecial untuk pembelian lebih dari 2 Unit.


Kami pun menerima REPAIR berbagai macam merk SPLICER, OTDR,Site Master dan alat TELKOM lainnya.


Contact Person :

Emir Oktay

Office :



           Jl. HartonoRaya, Modernland Tangerang 15117

Telp / HP    : -      (021) 55782056 – 57 (Ext.105)

-      Fax                 : (021) 55782058

E_Mail            :             Web               :

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